Catlab.jl is a framework for applied and computational category theory, written in the Julia language. Catlab provides a programming library and interactive interface for applications of category theory to scientific and engineering fields. It emphasizes monoidal categories due to their wide applicability but can support any categorical structure that is formalizable as a generalized algebraic theory.
Models of data science code
This project is an ongoing effort to create language-agnostic semantic models of data science code, to promote knowledge sharing, automation, and intelligent tooling in the data science community. Elements of the project include:
- program analysis tools for Python and R, generating raw flow graphs
- a Julia package for semantic enrichment, generating semantic flow graphs
- the Data Science Ontology
Data Science Ontology
The Data Science Ontology is a knowledge base about data science with a focus on computer programming. The concepts of the ontology are drawn from statistics, machine learning, and the practice of software engineering for data science. Besides cataloging and organizing data science concepts, the ontology provides semantic annotations of commonly used Python and R packages, such as pandas, scikit-learn, and R stats.