ACT Adjoint School
The Adjoint School at the ACT conference introduces early career researchers to applied category theory.
Adjoint School 2018
Open Petri nets, mentored by John Baez
- Baez & Pollard, 2017: A compositional framework for reaction networks (doi, arxiv, Azimuth , nCat Cafe )
- Fong, 2015: Decorated cospans (pdf, arxiv, Azimuth , nCat Cafe )
Logic of causality, mentored by Aleks Kissinger
- Kissinger & Uijlen, 2017: A categorical semantics for casual structure (doi, arxiv, Azimuth , nCat Cafe )
- Hensen, Lal, Pusey, 2014: Theory-independent limits on correlations from generalized Bayesian networks (doi, arxiv, Azimuth , nCat Cafe )
Compositional linguistics, mentored by Martha Lewis
- Coecke, Sadrzadeh, Clark, 2010: Mathemical foundations for a compositional distributional model of meaning (arxiv, Azimuth , nCat Cafe )
- Bolt, Coecke, et al, 2017: Interacting conceptual spaces I: Grammatical composition of concepts (arxiv, Azimuth , nCat Cafe )
Open and interconnected systems, mentored by Pawel Sobocinski
Adjoint School 2019
ZX-calculus, mentored by Miriam Backens
- Amy, Chen, Ross, 2017: A finite presentation of CNOT-dihedral operators (doi, arxiv, nCat Cafe )
- Backens, 2014: The ZX-calculus is complete for stabilizer quantum mechanics (doi, arxiv, nCat Cafe )
Partial evaluations, mentored by Tobias Fritz
- Fritz & Perrone, 2018: Monads, partial evaluations, and rewriting (arxiv, slides, nCat Cafe )
- Clementino, Hofmann, Janelidze, 2014: The monads of classical algebra are seldom weakly cartesian (doi, nCat Cafe )
- Trimble, blog post: On the bar construction (1 ,2 )
Turing categories, mentored by Pieter Hofstra
- Cockett & Hofstra, 2008: Introduction to Turing categories (doi, nCat Cafe )
- Cockett, Hofstra, Hrubeš, 2014: Total maps of Turing categories (doi, nCat Cafe )
- Joyal, Street, Verity, 1996: Traced monoidal categories (doi)
Optics and profunctors , mentored by Bartosz Milewski
Categorical language models, mentored by Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
- Jaeger, 1998: A multi-modal analysis of anaphora and ellipsis (pdf)
- Purver, Cann, Kempson, 2006: Grammars as parsers: Meeting the dialogue challenge (doi, pdf, nCat Cafe )
Mathematics of autopoiesis , mentored by David Spivak
Adjoint School 2020
Dialectica categories of Petri nets, mentored by Valeria de Paiva
- Brown & Gurr, 1990: A categorical linear framework for Petri nets (doi,
Azimuth , nCat Cafe )
- Journal version: Brown & Gurr, 1995: A categorical linear framework for Petri nets (doi)
- de Paiva, 1991: Categorical multirelations, linear logic, and Petri nets (doi, pdf)
Type theory for SMCs, mentored by Michael Shulman
- Shulman, 2021: A practical type theory for symmetric monoidal categories (pdf, arxiv, nCat Cafe )
- Schommer-Pries, 2011: The classification of two-dimensional extended topological field theories (arxiv)
Categories of maintainable relations, mentored by Michael Johnson
- Johnson & Rosebrugh, 2016: Unifying set-based, delta-based and edit-based lenses (pdf)
- Clarke, 2019: Internal lenses as functors and cofunctors (arxiv)
Distances between persistence modules, mentored by Nina Otter
Adjoint School 2021
Computing with C-sets, mentored by James Fairbanks and Evan Patterson
- Fong, 2015: Decorated cospans (pdf, arxiv, nCat Cafe 1 ,2 ,3 )
- Vagner, Spivak, Lerman, 2015: Algebras of open dynamical systems on the operad of wiring diagrams (pdf, arxiv)
Enriched profunctor nuclei, mentored by Simon Willerton
- Willerton, 2015: The Legendre-Fenchel transform from a category theoretic perspective (arxiv)
- Elliot, 2017, PhD thesis: On the fuzzy concept complex (pdf), Chapters 2-3
Double categories in ACT, mentored by Simona Paoli
- Baez & Courser, 2019: Structured cospans(pdf, arxiv)
- Paoli & Pronk, 2013: A double categorical model of weak 2-categories (pdf, nCat Cafe )
- Paoli, 2019: Simplicial methods for higher categories (doi)
Coalgebraic dynamic logic, mentored by Helle Hvid Hanse and Clemes Kupke
Adjoint School 2022
Compositional thermostatics, mentored by Spencer Breiner and Joe Moeller
- Baez, Lynch, Moeller, 2021: Compositional thermostatics (arxiv, nCat Cafe )
- Lawvere, 1984: State categories, closed categories, and the existence of semi-continuous entropy functions (pdf)
Fuzzy type theory for opinion dynamics, mentored by Paige North
- Grayson, 2018: An introduction to univalent foundations for mathematicians (doi, nCat Cafe )
- Hansen & Ghrist, 2021: Opinion dynamics on discourse sheaves (doi, arxiv, nCat Cafe )
Compositional timed and probabilistic processes, mentored by Nicoletta Sabadini
- Albasini, Sabadini, Walters, 2011: The compositional construction of Markov processes (nCat cafe )
- Cherubini, Sabadini, Walters, 2004: Timing in the cospan-span model (doi, nCat Cafe )
Algebraic structures in logic and relations, mentored by Filippo Bonchi