Publishing media

Mathematical and scientific documents are still published in dead-tree formats, mainly PDFs. I think the time is ripe for more dynamic, interactive papers, including, for example, interactive graphics and structured proofs.


A few journals are pioneering new forms of academic publication.

  • Distill (GitHub )
    • Avant-garde ML journal, focusing on accessible exposition and interactive visualizations
  • JoDS : Journal of Design Science
    • “Forges new connections between science and design”
    • Comments allowed on articles and on specific passages therein



I’m considering building my own tools. Here are some resources that might be helpful.

  • Svelte (GitHub )
    • JS UI framework, comparable to React or Angular but much lighter
    • Used by default in Distill
  • Knockout.js (GitHub )
    • Or next generation version (“Knockout 4”), TKO (GitHub )
    • In the spirit of Bret Victor’s Tangle, but maintained and widely used