Graph kernels
Kernels on graphs
Methods for kernels on graphs, i.e., between two nodes of a single graph:
Kernels between graphs
Methods for kernels between graphs, i.e., between two different graphs:
- Haussler, 1999: Convolution kernels on discrete structures (pdf)
- A general, though rather vague, framework for defining kernels between discrete structures, not necessarily graphs
- Gartner et al, 2003: On graph kernels: Hardness results and efficient alternatives (doi)
- Kashima et al, 2003: Marginal kernels between labeled graphs (pdf)
- Reprised in Kashima et al, 2004: Kernels for graphs (pdf)
- Borgwardt & Kriegel, 2005: Shortest-path kernels on graphs (doi, slides)
- Vishwanathan et al, 2010, JMLR: Graph kernels (pdf, slides)
- Start here: very well-written survey
- Synthesizes existing literature, including:
- random walk kernels (Kondor et al’s early papers; Gartner et al, 2003)
- marginal kernels (Kashima et al, 2003)
- shortest-path kernels (Borgwardt & Kriegel, 2005)
- R-convolution kernels (Haussler, 1999)
- Shervashidze et al, 2011: Weisfeiler-Lehman graph kernels (pdf)
- Based on the Weisfeiler-Lehman test of graph isomorphism
- Neumann et al, 2016: Propagation kernels (doi, arxiv)
- Fancy name notwithstanding, this paper is squarely within the random walk paradigm
- Main contribution is support for missing or uncertain labels
- Sec. 2 has a recent summary of literature on graph kernels
- Kondor & Pan, 2016: The multiscale Laplacian graph kernel (arxiv, pdf)
Kernels between DAGs
In DAGs, the generic problem of tottering in random walk kernels is eliminated, since cyclic walks are by definition impossible.
- Kashima et al, 2004: Kernels for graphs (pdf)
- Sec 1.2.3: Dynamic programming algorithm for random walks (“label sequences”) on labeled DAGs
- Suzuki et al, 2006: Hierarchical directed acyclic graph kernel (doi)
- Navarin, 2014, PhD thesis: Learning with kernels on graphs: DAG-based kernels,
data streams, and RNA function prediction
- Sec 4.2: Reviews previous work on DAG kernels (summary: there isn’t much of it and it doesn’t exploit acyclicity)
- Sec 4.2: Extends tree kernels to rooted, ordered DAGs
Kernels on knowledge graphs
How to define kernels between nodes of a knowledge graph?
- Bloehdorn, 2008, PhD thesis: Kernel methods for knowledge structures (pdf)
- Sec 4.2: Set-based similarity functions usually are kernels
- Sec 4.3: Taxonomic similarity functions are usually not kernels
- Rettinger et al, 2012: Mining the semantic web (doi, pdf)
- Losch et al, 2012: Graph kernels for RDF data (doi, pdf)
- Kernels based on intersection graphs and intersection trees
- “The essential difference is that, as RDF builds on unique node labels, each RDF subgraph can occur at most once in the input graph”
- de Vries, 2013: A fast approximation of the Weisfeiler-Lehman graph kernel for
RDF data (doi)
- Claims to be better than intersection tree (but comparable to intersection graph)