Statistics and ML
Generic topics in stats/ML
- Replication crisis and data-dependent analysis
- Causal inference
- Differential privacy
- Probabilistic programming
- Symmetry in probability and statistics
- Stability under perturbation and connections to generalization
- Error estimation
- Information geometry
Bayesian statistics
Methods for structured data
- Statistical relational learning, or machine learning on relational data
- Symbolic regression
- Word embeddings and graph embeddings
- Graph kernels, including both kernels on graphs and kernels between graphs
- Statistical models of graphs and complex networks
- Statistics on metric spaces
Probability theory
- Markov chains and Markov kernels
- Markov processes and semi-Markov processes
- Statistical distances, or distances between probability distributions
- Stochastic orders, or preorders on probability distributions
- Copulas and measures of dependence
- Stable distributions
- Algebraic probability theory