Call for Papers
We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the symposium Towards AI for Collaborative Open Science (TACOS-19), part of the AAAI 2019 Spring Symposium Series, to be held at Stanford University, March 25th–27th. We invite submissions of research papers (6 pages), as well as short papers (2 pages) for work-in-progress or position pieces. Papers should be submitted through EasyChair and will be reviewed by the organizing committee.
Important Dates
Paper submission. November 16th, 2018 (deadline extended).
Notification. December 3rd, 2018.
The purpose of the symposium is to explore how artificial intelligence and computational tools can accelerate the pace of scientific discovery. We solicit research papers and work-in-progress papers, making novel research contributions to networked, machine-assisted science, as well as position papers about how to advance the field. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- AI and NLP methods for mining the scientific literature
- Meta-learning, meta-analysis, and model aggregation for open science
- Knowledge representation for the scientific process, e.g. for datasets or data analysis
- Knowledge representation for scientific knowledge, e.g. in biomedicine
- Software tools and formats for disseminating scientific knowledge
- Online platforms for collaborative basic science or data science
- Empirical studies of open scientific collaboration and innovation
- Incentives and rewards in open science
Submission Instructions
Research papers may be at most 6 pages in length (excluding references). Work-in-progress or position papers may be at most 2 pages (excluding references).
All papers must be formatted in two-column AAAI style and submitted in PDF format. Authors should use the official AAAI LaTeX style or Word template to prepare their manuscripts.
Papers must be submitted electronically, via EasyChair.